Specification of the Task to pass for GitHub Pages


This task performs the following operations:

  1. In the Settings (Configuration), check the following items

    • From

    • To

    • URL for GitHub Pages

  2. Checks if the path specified by From exists.

    • Exit if it does not exist (treated as an abnormal exit).

  3. Checks if the path specified by To exists.

    • If it doesn’t exist, create it.

    • Exit the program if it cannot be created (treated as an abnormal exit).

  4. Check the URL specified in URL for GitHub Pages .

    • Exit if any placeholder <USERNAME> or <REPOSITORY> remains (treated as abnormal exit).

    • Replace the ${DIR_NAME} keyword, if present, with the name of your workspace folder.

  5. Check to see if the .nojekyll file exists.

    • Keeps information on whether or not it exists

  6. Deletes files/folders in the directory specified by To .

    • The .nojekyll file in the directory will also be removed.

  7. Copies the data in the directory specified by From to the directory specified by To .

  8. If the .nojekyll file exists, recreate it.

  9. Fetch HTML files in the To directory and insert <base> tags in the <head> of each file.

If you encounter problems when running the Task, check the Terminal messages. This is the only way to determine the cause of the error.

[Figure below] If you see a red warning message in the terminal or a message like The terminal process faild to launch (exit code:2) , it means that something went wrong and the process was interrupted.

Check the contents of the message and make sure there is no problem with the execution environment.



If you cannot solve a problem, please report it in Issues . Bugs and other reports are only accepted from this page.