.. _QuickStart: Quick Start ################ You can run `Quick Start `_ , a feature of Sphinx, from Task. (This is currently only available for Windows) Procedure ********* 1. Open **an empty directory** as a workspace folder( ``File> Open Folder...`` ) .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_001.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_001.png 2. Open the Config(Settings) screen ( ``File> Preferences> Settings`` ) and select ``Extensions> reStructuredText`` from the Settings screen * Rewrite the ``Sphinx Quick Start: Options`` section accordingly. .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_023.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_023.png .. seealso:: For more information about the options, see `sphinx-quickstart `_ and :ref:`Details of each feature> Settings(Config)> Sphinx Quick Start: Options `. 3. Select ``Terminal> Run Task... and then select ``sphinx> Sphinx: Quick Start`` . * If you do not see ``sphinx> Sphinx: Quick Start`` , your workspace folder may not be empty. Also, your OS may not support it. .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_003.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_003.png .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_004.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_004.png .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_006.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_006.png 4. QuickStart will be executed and various files will be generated. .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_017.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_017.png * The above figure shows how to create separate source and build directories by setting the ``Separate source and build directories`` item to ``true`` in Config(Settings). 5. When the file is created successfully, hit ``Enter`` or similar key to close the Terminal. .. figure:: ./../../../_images/reST_doc_005.png :scale: 100% :alt: reST_doc_005.png * If an error occurs, please check the Terminal message .. note:: The execution of the sphinx Task will execute ``sphinxhelper.exe`` , a file included with the extension. Please allow this file to run, as it may be restricted by some security software. The file/program from which this exe file is derived is available on `GitHub `_ .