Quick Start

You can run Quick Start , a feature of Sphinx, from Task.

(This is currently only available for Windows)


  1. Open an empty directory as a workspace folder( File> Open Folder... )

  2. Open the Config(Settings) screen ( File> Preferences> Settings ) and select Extensions> reStructuredText from the Settings screen

  3. Select Terminal> Run Task... and then select ``sphinx> Sphinx: Quick Start .

    • If you do not see sphinx> Sphinx: Quick Start , your workspace folder may not be empty. Also, your OS may not support it.

  4. QuickStart will be executed and various files will be generated.

    • The above figure shows how to create separate source and build directories by setting the Separate source and build directories item to true in Config(Settings).

  5. When the file is created successfully, hit Enter or similar key to close the Terminal.

    • If an error occurs, please check the Terminal message


The execution of the sphinx Task will execute sphinxhelper.exe , a file included with the extension. Please allow this file to run, as it may be restricted by some security software.

The file/program from which this exe file is derived is available on GitHub .